Our Board
The Board of Dawn's Place includes a number of professionals who collectively have more than 30 years of experience in helping women trapped in CSE. They come from diverse backgrounds including medical doctors, social workers, education specialists, public policy experts, criminal justice figures, and survivors themselves. All of these individuals have made a commitment to helping women out of CSE and informing the public of the unsuspected evils of CSE to women.
Mary DeFusco, Esq.
Defender Association of Philadelphia
Katina Sawyer, PhD
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
at the University of Arizona
Shea M. Rhodes, Esq.
Director, Villanova Law Institute to Address
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Sister Marie O'Brien, SSJ
Congregational Treasurer of The Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Mia Borden
Survivor Advocate, Home Care Worker
Ann McCain Brown
Gerry Givnish
Neighborhood Representative
Nancy Link
Chief Administrative Officer, Homestead Smart Health Plans
Kathy Stiles
Development Committee Chair
Principal, SNS Tax and Accounting Services
Tambora Reaves
Survivor Advocate, Independent Artist
Elizabeth Turner